Saturday, March 24, 2018

Salty potatoes

I like potato chips;

they are one of my favorite foods.

I hate how they scratch my mouth though.

I love the different flavors companies come up with.

I love the saltiness of the chips.

My favorite flavor is either salt and vinegar or plain.

I also like Doritos and Funyuns,

but they don't count as potato chips.

              Do they?

I personally just love a lot of potato foods in general.

              After the flood we had potato with my grandmother every night.

                           I started calling it potato instead of dinner

                                         Because we never had a meal without potatoes.

                                                       We had never eaten that many potatoes at home.

                                                                     We almost never ate potatoes at home.

My favorite potato chip brand is probably Pringles.

I also like veggie chips;

I wonder if those count as potato chips.

              Do they?

I don’t like sweet potato,

so if there exist any sweet potato chips,

              (Do they?)

I don't think I would like them.

PH reflection

I am enjoying Purple Hibiscus even though some of it is sad.  I like how it shows the similarities in cultures while also showing the differences.   The second reading had a bit of too much of a tone change for me. It felt like it should have eased into the violence more, maybe put some of the dark stuff in the beginning, so it feels more natural.  Maybe the shock of it was the point.  I do like the author’s style, so the shock was probably intended so it would feel even harsher.

There are some conflicts and connections between the father and the government. There are some odd conflict and connection in most of the father’s life. I hate Papa.  He is very abusive. I hope the mother divorces him. I feel bad for the kids and mom and hope things turn out better for them.

So far, it’s a good book.  I want to see how it turns out for them.

Monday, March 12, 2018

My poem: spring

There is a spring.

It does a lot of things.

It goes boing.

If you flick it, it goes toing.

The spring can also slink.

That makes me think.

How can a spring go boing but also slink.

Ten springs slink down the stairs.

They go in pairs.

Unfortunately, nobody really cares.

Poem notes

  1. Fly me to the moon
  2. And let me play among the stars
  3. Let me see what Spring is like

  1. On Jupiter and Mars
  2. In other words, hold my hand!
  3. In other words, darling, kiss me
  4. Fill my heart with song
  5. And let me sing forevermore
  6. You are all I long for

  1. All I worship and adore
  2. In other words, please be true!

  1. In other words, I love you!
It used rhyming and assonance.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

My project

I liked my project. It was hard, but I felt good afterwards. It was worth it. I needed to make many corrections. It was hard making it to 5 pages. I wanted to do a video, but decided to do a book instead. I talked with Ms. Howell about it a bunch. I got help from my tutor for it. I got a good grade on it. I am proud of it.

My Cat

I have a cat. I love him. He is very cute. He bites me though sometimes. He lies down in my swing chair. He has his own tower he climbs up. I forgot how old he is. He has a good demeanor. He looks like a kitten. He meows sweetly.

Q3 W7 comments

Julia: Summer