Saturday, March 24, 2018

Salty potatoes

I like potato chips;

they are one of my favorite foods.

I hate how they scratch my mouth though.

I love the different flavors companies come up with.

I love the saltiness of the chips.

My favorite flavor is either salt and vinegar or plain.

I also like Doritos and Funyuns,

but they don't count as potato chips.

              Do they?

I personally just love a lot of potato foods in general.

              After the flood we had potato with my grandmother every night.

                           I started calling it potato instead of dinner

                                         Because we never had a meal without potatoes.

                                                       We had never eaten that many potatoes at home.

                                                                     We almost never ate potatoes at home.

My favorite potato chip brand is probably Pringles.

I also like veggie chips;

I wonder if those count as potato chips.

              Do they?

I don’t like sweet potato,

so if there exist any sweet potato chips,

              (Do they?)

I don't think I would like them.


  1. I also like potatoes. I like chips and a mashed potatoes. I like how you were able to make a poem about potatoes, good job!

  2. I think that what I really enjoyed about this poem was how you chose such a unique topic and made it into a really good poem.
