Thursday, October 26, 2017

q2 week2 comments

Peyton: prompt
Katie: prompt


Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

I see myself in a job. I think I will be married. I think I will have a kid. I hope it won't be as stressful as it is now. I hope I'm rich. I hope I'm happy. For some reason, I hope I have a cowboy hat in the future. I hope if I have kids, they'll like me. I hope I will be nice in the future.  I hope I will not be homeless.


Human nature could be violence. Human nature leads to a lot of violence.  In some ways, human nature is our undoing. In early times, humans were savages. In some ways, we still are. Humanity has poached species to death. Humanity has ruined the environment by pollution. Humanity has caused whole world wars. It could also be trying to be a leader. It is the reason why some people strive to be president.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Free writing

I remember the first time I got my dog. She was very cute and she peed on my bed. She had a little red bow on her collar. It was on Christmas morning. I kept asking for a dog and so did my brother. Our previous dog only died only a few months before. Our new dog was named Holly. She reminded me of our old dog named Pluto. She was one of the best Christmas presents that I got. She chewed up my father's shoes.

reading w8

I find this similar to The ECL with the wings. Its mood went over the place but it was still good. It's a pretty good reading, and it feels adventurous. Like a few others, I don't think you could make this into an entire book. Maybe It could, I'm just not sure. I felt bad for the Angel, He seemed playful. I personally prefer Harrison Bergeron because it stuck more to a few moods and wasn't all willy nilly. I wonder if my brother ever read this. I wondered if this story and the ECL have any relation.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

100 word story

Once there was a young, adventurous pirate captain named Schmidty Mcgee. He wanted to find a horriying yet beautiful creature called the Golden Kraken, so he rounded up a Hardy crew and went to go kill the wretched 14 million karat beast.  When they finally got there there was nothing but silence… silence… and more silence until… the gold medal monster finally showed up. The crew tried as best they could, but there were no match for the neferious, auriferous titan of the sea and almost all got slaughtered. Then Schmidty Mcgee, with one last shot from the cannon, finally killed it. Schmidty was proud but also disappointed of himself. because most of his crew died.


I found Harrison Bergurion was sad but cool. It could have been like political but I can't tell. It took place in a bad, evil future. The government tried to make everyone equal. Harrison had the body of an adult, but the mind of a child.

It kind of had an episode format even though there's only one story. I would have wished to see what would happen after but I'm fine North were entered. I wonder what 2081 will really be like. Hazel sounded really dumb and George seemed to be a smart guy. I felt bad for George always having his ears be tortured with loud noises.