Saturday, March 24, 2018

PH reflection

I am enjoying Purple Hibiscus even though some of it is sad.  I like how it shows the similarities in cultures while also showing the differences.   The second reading had a bit of too much of a tone change for me. It felt like it should have eased into the violence more, maybe put some of the dark stuff in the beginning, so it feels more natural.  Maybe the shock of it was the point.  I do like the author’s style, so the shock was probably intended so it would feel even harsher.

There are some conflicts and connections between the father and the government. There are some odd conflict and connection in most of the father’s life. I hate Papa.  He is very abusive. I hope the mother divorces him. I feel bad for the kids and mom and hope things turn out better for them.

So far, it’s a good book.  I want to see how it turns out for them.

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