Monday, September 18, 2017

personal narrative

My personal narrative is going pretty good. I think it won't take long to fix it up. I feel like it's going be the best thing gosh darn thing it can be by the end of all this. I just need to pick out the best facts. -What I thought was going to be pretty hard at first isn't turning out to be. I think I just need to take it in steps.

 But I've had enough time in class to make good headway. My teacher has given me good notes to tell me what to improve upon. I am pretty comfortable with how it's turned out so far, and I am proud of it. It should be more focused on one subject, though. I'm going to try and work on some more during tutorial. Writing isn't my greatest strength and I am glad to be getting better.

question and answer

Quentin: Where are we?

Arthur: We are at the beach.

Quentin: What time is it?

Arthur: It is 5pm.

Quentin: Are you hot?

Arthur: No, but I am tired.

Quentin: Are you hungry?

Arthur: Yes, I'm starving.

Quentin: Why are we here?

Arthur: We are here to relax.

Quentin: Are you relaxed?

Arthur: Yes, I am relaxed.

Quentin: Is Arthur your real name?

Arthur: Yes, Arthur is my real name.

Quentin: When are we leaving?

Arthur: We are leaving at 9pm.

Quentin: Is that a crab?

Arthur: No, that is a seashell.

Quentin: Am I annoying you?

Arthur: Yes, you are annoying me.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

week 4 comments

Katharine: I like yours, it sounds inspiring. I willl try to do that stuff.
Emma: I like it. I always listen to my parents.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dear Eleven-Year-Old

Dear eleven-year-old:

You are just starting Middle School and next is High School.  I know you think it is going to be tough, and well, you are right.  At least, some part of it will suck.  Still, I would do it again and again.  Don’t be worried or scared.  Life will get more complicated, but it will also get better.  Some friends will go away, some friends will stay, you will make new friends, and you will get to see your friends more.

Your body will change with all those hormone changes.  You might lash out sometimes when you shouldn’t, and you might have mood swings.  You will get pimples, yeah, that’s going to happen.  But you might sleep better, too. 

Some things you love doing, you might grow out of and find other things you like.  Other things, you might keep doing.  Just remember, don’t always look at a screen.  Interact with your family, if there is something is wrong, tell them what is wrong.  Just make your best grades and have fun!  Life is nice.


A fourteen-year-old

Us and Them Reading Response

Do you ever feel lonely or maybe have too much screen time?  I know I sometimes do.  This is partly why Us and Them hit home when I reread it this weekend.  But, not only could I find parallels in my life, I could find parallels between the narrator’s family and the Tomkeys.  Both families lack something.  The narrator’s family lacks close relationships with friends and each other as they mainly just watch tv, although they do know of pop culture.  Whereas the Tomkeys are the opposite, they have a lot closer relationship, but they don’t have tv, so they don’t understand pop culture. 

I could partly understand why the boy didn’t want to give up his candy.  He felt like he earned the candy by fitting into pop culture and he didn’t want just to give it away.  I do feel bad for the kid, I mean his stomach always hurt after eating chocolate!  That is another thing I can relate to, stomach aches after I eat.  But he gorged on chocolate so that he didn’t have to share which is kind of selfish and greedy.  Then his parents shushed him as they watched tv and didn’t pay him any attention. He zoned out on tv, so he didn’t have to examine himself too deeply.

It is interesting to consider that the problems with screen time and personal relationships have gone on so long.  These problems will still probably go on for years to come.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Week 3 comments


JC: Hurricane Katrina
Dylan: Katrina and 9/11

It's been a while since the Louisiana flood happened; my house, unfortunately, got flooded. I was thankfully back home by early spring last year, partly because a bunch of my friends helped pitch in cleaning out my house.  I am still grateful to them.

It's interesting to look at in this video; it's sad but also cool to watch because it gives me a different perspective a year later. It is hard to imagine it got so bad that a guy could drive a boat through my neighborhood. I wonder if the guy in the video is a close neighbor of mine.  I hope he is back in his house now. I also saw Episcopal; I can't believe how good it's doing now.

It just goes to show how much can happen in a year. I do hope everyone is back in their houses after that. I hope the Houston flood wasn't as bad as the Louisiana flood. 

I am rereading The Two Towers; it’s a long but enjoyable book. Gandalf comes back to life, Mary and Pippin meet giant tree people. We have not seen Sam and Frodo yet, but I think we will soon. All around the book can get confusing at times, but I still like it. I have thought about restarting the book because I’ve started and stopped a lot with it, but I'm just going to finish it.

I think there are some minor difference between this and the movies. I think I would say I would like the first book, but I haven't finished it, so I'm just going to wait in till I finish, of course. I do miss Bilbo and all his friends,

I like the trees; they seem to be a cool species. Their back story is a little sad and odd, but it makes sense. It could be like a little message about the environment, I guess.