Monday, September 18, 2017

personal narrative

My personal narrative is going pretty good. I think it won't take long to fix it up. I feel like it's going be the best thing gosh darn thing it can be by the end of all this. I just need to pick out the best facts. -What I thought was going to be pretty hard at first isn't turning out to be. I think I just need to take it in steps.

 But I've had enough time in class to make good headway. My teacher has given me good notes to tell me what to improve upon. I am pretty comfortable with how it's turned out so far, and I am proud of it. It should be more focused on one subject, though. I'm going to try and work on some more during tutorial. Writing isn't my greatest strength and I am glad to be getting better.

1 comment:

  1. Im glad your narrative is going good! Glad your getting better with writing.
