Sunday, September 10, 2017

Us and Them Reading Response

Do you ever feel lonely or maybe have too much screen time?  I know I sometimes do.  This is partly why Us and Them hit home when I reread it this weekend.  But, not only could I find parallels in my life, I could find parallels between the narrator’s family and the Tomkeys.  Both families lack something.  The narrator’s family lacks close relationships with friends and each other as they mainly just watch tv, although they do know of pop culture.  Whereas the Tomkeys are the opposite, they have a lot closer relationship, but they don’t have tv, so they don’t understand pop culture. 

I could partly understand why the boy didn’t want to give up his candy.  He felt like he earned the candy by fitting into pop culture and he didn’t want just to give it away.  I do feel bad for the kid, I mean his stomach always hurt after eating chocolate!  That is another thing I can relate to, stomach aches after I eat.  But he gorged on chocolate so that he didn’t have to share which is kind of selfish and greedy.  Then his parents shushed him as they watched tv and didn’t pay him any attention. He zoned out on tv, so he didn’t have to examine himself too deeply.

It is interesting to consider that the problems with screen time and personal relationships have gone on so long.  These problems will still probably go on for years to come.

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