Wednesday, September 6, 2017

It's been a while since the Louisiana flood happened; my house, unfortunately, got flooded. I was thankfully back home by early spring last year, partly because a bunch of my friends helped pitch in cleaning out my house.  I am still grateful to them.

It's interesting to look at in this video; it's sad but also cool to watch because it gives me a different perspective a year later. It is hard to imagine it got so bad that a guy could drive a boat through my neighborhood. I wonder if the guy in the video is a close neighbor of mine.  I hope he is back in his house now. I also saw Episcopal; I can't believe how good it's doing now.

It just goes to show how much can happen in a year. I do hope everyone is back in their houses after that. I hope the Houston flood wasn't as bad as the Louisiana flood. 

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