Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I am rereading The Two Towers; it’s a long but enjoyable book. Gandalf comes back to life, Mary and Pippin meet giant tree people. We have not seen Sam and Frodo yet, but I think we will soon. All around the book can get confusing at times, but I still like it. I have thought about restarting the book because I’ve started and stopped a lot with it, but I'm just going to finish it.

I think there are some minor difference between this and the movies. I think I would say I would like the first book, but I haven't finished it, so I'm just going to wait in till I finish, of course. I do miss Bilbo and all his friends,

I like the trees; they seem to be a cool species. Their back story is a little sad and odd, but it makes sense. It could be like a little message about the environment, I guess.

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