Sunday, September 10, 2017

Dear Eleven-Year-Old

Dear eleven-year-old:

You are just starting Middle School and next is High School.  I know you think it is going to be tough, and well, you are right.  At least, some part of it will suck.  Still, I would do it again and again.  Don’t be worried or scared.  Life will get more complicated, but it will also get better.  Some friends will go away, some friends will stay, you will make new friends, and you will get to see your friends more.

Your body will change with all those hormone changes.  You might lash out sometimes when you shouldn’t, and you might have mood swings.  You will get pimples, yeah, that’s going to happen.  But you might sleep better, too. 

Some things you love doing, you might grow out of and find other things you like.  Other things, you might keep doing.  Just remember, don’t always look at a screen.  Interact with your family, if there is something is wrong, tell them what is wrong.  Just make your best grades and have fun!  Life is nice.


A fourteen-year-old

1 comment:

  1. The transitions in this blog are very well done and the letter to an eleven year old pretty much covers everything. Good job!!!
