Sunday, April 29, 2018

Hits and Misses

I think the writing I felt most successful on was some of my poetry. It felt like I put a lot of thoughtful work into it. Now, this isn’t the biggest assignment. For one of the bigger assignments, I would say the best I did were my Purple Hibiscus assignments. Maybe it’s just because I had gotten used to the type of writing that was expected of me in high school and had gotten better at it. Even more than that, I write a lot better if I read an assignment but wait a while to put my answer into words. I did that with my poetry revisions and with my Purple Hibiscus assignments.

My worst assignment would probably have to be my research paper. The reason my worst assignment is the research paper is mainly because I had troubles with each part of the assignment. I remember one night I stayed up until midnight. I think that was for the flashcards, which I still did not do well. I am glad I am over that! It was also a really hard time, and I just couldn’t focus on school much. I hope I learned enough to do a lot better on my next research paper.

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