Saturday, April 14, 2018

Prompt post: Nicknames

13. What nicknames have you ever gotten or given?

You know, this is a funny one because my name, Eli, is a nickname; my real name is Elijah. Technically Eli is more of just a shortened version of my name then a nick name, but I think it still counts. When I was a child, I got called Eli so much that I thought it was my real name. I would get annoyed when people called me Elijah when I was young because I didn’t know why. I accept I’m named Elijah and even like it now. Barely anyone except my grandmother calls me Elijah. I have also been called E and Lou. My parents are mainly the ones who call me Lou. My brother, Harper has called me E-money and Little buddy. My mother calls me Ebilicious and I am a little embarrassed about it.

I haven’t given any nicknames. My pets all have long names, but the names they go by are the names I picked. After we flooded, I gave a nickname to a boy we rode to school with, but he hated it. My cousins were all born before me, so they named my grandparents their nicknames. We always name our cars, but that isn’t truly a nickname.  We nicknamed our grandparent’s neighbor’s dog Peanut Butter because we didn’t know it’s real name.

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