Sunday, April 29, 2018

Strengths and Weaknesses

 I would say my biggest strength is that I have creative ideas. There aren’t always the most creative, but they’re still curious, out of the ordinary, and unusual. Sometimes, I try and pick the simplest of ideas so that I can and try to squeeze as much stuff out of it as I can. Once I tried writing about just potato chips; I had a bit of trouble near the end, but I enjoyed it. The biggest problem I have with my ideas is getting them out well enough and in time.

I have to work hard on organization and sentence fluency, but I’d say my biggest weakness is fleshing out ideas into words. I’ve always had this problem. Each year I think I get better at it though. I am personally having a bit of trouble fleshing out my strengths and weaknesses right now. I wonder if anyone else in my grade has this problem. My problem with fleshing out ideas might stem from my learning differences. I’m not trying to use that as an excuse; I’m just wondering if that’s the origins. It is important because language is how we communicate. I want my language to match my thoughts so it is easy for people to understand.

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand. I also sometimes struggle to word of my writing the way I want. I can spend hours writing and rewriting my work until it sounds the way I want.
