Sunday, April 15, 2018

Kambili and Jaja Find Their Voices


Both Kambili and Jaja have been gaining their voices. Jaja is gaining his voice much quicker than Kambili.  It may be because he is older. It may be because, despite being younger, Obiora is a role model for him in some ways and Obiora is outspoken. Jaja is also growing more somber, I imagine because of anger against his father. Jaja stood up to his father and told him they were going back to Nnsuka, and Papa let them.

Kambili is still gaining her voice.  I believe she talked more in this reading than all the previous readings. She can now recognize that she has a crush on Father Amadi and even admit it to Amaka. Kambili speaks to Amaka in a way now that is more natural, and their relationship is more natural. The simple fact of Kambili answering the phone seems to be something she would not have done before.

I wonder where Adichie will take these characters as finding their voices won’t be easy.  It seems there will be backlash and consequences for breaking out of Papa’s mold.

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